Contact Us
Title | Name | Phone No |
Territorial Statistician | Vishni Peeris | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15035 |
Economic Statistician | Jeff Barichello | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15039 |
Social/Demographic Statistician | Viktoria Bassarguina | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15040 |
Resource Statistician | Knox Makumbe | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15038 |
Senior Analyst | Jill Herbert | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15041 |
Research/Communication Analyst | Jescinda Cullihall | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15043 |
Survey Manager | Yasir Nouri | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15036 |
Intern | Andrew Speakman | (867) 767-9169 ext. 15045 |
Mailing address:
NWT Bureau of Statistics
Government of the Northwest Territories
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife NT
X1A 2L9
Location address:
2nd Floor YK Centre Bldg.
4922-48th Street
Yellowknife NT
General enquiries:
Phone: (867) 767-9169 ext. 15037
Toll Free: (888) STATSNT or (888) 782-8768
Fax: (867) 873-0275