NWT Bureau of Statistics
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Population Estimates By Community

The Bureau of Statistics annually calculates July 1 population estimates for every community in the Northwest Territories. The most recent estimates cover the 2001 to 2023 period by gender, age group and ethnicity. The estimates are calculated by allocating the demographic components of growth, down to a community level using information from a variety of sources.

Detailed estimates by the various characteristics found below can be downloaded directly in Excel worksheets.


Population Estimates by Community and Region As At July 1, 2023


    Northwest Territories 44,972
    Beaufort Delta Region 7,022
    Aklavik 667
    Fort McPherson 775
    Inuvik 3,383
    Paulatuk 358
    Sachs Harbour 118
    Tsiigehtchic 192
    Tuktoyaktuk 1,058
    Ulukhaktok 471
    Dehcho Region 3,325
    Fort Liard 515
    Fort Providence 736
    Fort Simpson 1,335
    Hay River Dene Reserve 274
    Jean Marie River 69
    Kakisa 45
    Nahanni Butte 87
    Sambaa K'e 108
    Wrigley 135
    Sahtu Region 2,704
    Colville Lake 154
    Délı̨nę 666
    Fort Good Hope 591
    Norman Wells 763
    Tulita 530
    South Slave Region 7,009
    Enterprise 93
    Fort Resolution 523
    Fort Smith 2,530
    Hay River 3,449
    Łutselk’e 344
    Tłįchǫ Region 3,059
    Behchokǫ̀ 2,034
    Gamètı̀ 282
    Wekweètı̀ 122
    Whatı̀ 621
    Yellowknife Region 21,853
    Dettah 211
    Yellowknife 21,362

    *Please note that population estimates for unorganized areas are suppressed but included in territorial and regional totals.
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