2006 Census of Canada Data
Statistics Canada undertakes a national census every five years. The last national census day was May 15, 2006.
The following tables provides summaries of 2006 census information released to date. In each case, tables are included that show community results.
- Population Counts - Newstats Release
- Age and Sex - Newstats Release (PDF)
- Marital and Common-Law Status, Families, Households, Housing and Dwelling Characteristics -
Newstats Release (PDF)
- Language, Immigration, Citizenships, and Mobility and Migration - Newstats Release (PDF)
- Indigenous Peoples - Newstats Release (PDF)
- Labour Market Activity, Industry, Occupation, Education, Language of Work, Place of Work,
and Mode of Transportation
- Ethnic Origin, and Visible Minorities - Newstats Release (PDF)
- Income, Earnings, and Shelter Costs - Newstats Release (PDF)